Spot the kite & win a Flexifoil* voucher!!!
It's over!!! We have a winner!!! Well, we have THREE winners
to be precise!!! :D :D
For those who are interested, here's the original picture
complete with the kite insitu. There's a red dot where
we think the correct position for your guesses SHOULD
have been, and there's the six nearest guesses marked
in green. To find out if the correct click was you, check
the announcements section of the forum after 18:00 on
Monday 7th March 2005.
Here's the wording from the original comp...
Kite-Fantastic and Action
Pact have teamed up to bring you a great new competition!
All you have to do is guess the location of the missing
kite and you will receive a £150 voucher
which can be spent on any Flexifoil products at the Action
Pact online kite shop! We are also going to give
out two £25 vouchers to the two closest runners
The Instructions:
1. Click on the image below exactly where you think
the missing kite is located.
2. Fill in the form with your details.
3. Click SUBMIT.
The Rules:
1. Only one entry per person.
2. All entrants must be members of the Kite-Fantastic
Forums (it's free to join!).
2. The competition ends on February 28th 2005.
3. The winner will be the person who's click is closest
to the centre of the kite (ie midway between wingtips,
midway between leading and trailing edge).
That's it. Now, here's the picture - happy spotting!!!!
* Winning entry receives a voucher which entitles the
bearer to £150 worth of Flexifoil products from
the Action Pact online kite shop. There are also two runner
up prizes of £25 each. The vouchers are provided
by Action Pact, for use in Action Pact and cannot be redeemed