Kite-Fantastic Articles
Please feel free to browse through the following articles. At the moment there's no particular order, and they're on a wide range of subjects. All are power kite related though!
A Weekend At Black Rock Sands
An account by LetoII of a trip to Black Rock Sands - Awesome photos.
Woody's Report on the West Wittering NPFS 2006 Final.
Mx5Alan's Articles on Peter Lynn Arcs (plus others coming very soon!)
Articles by the famous Mx5Alan. Peter Lynn FAQ only at the moment, but more articles on various topics being added very soon indeed.
Kite-Fantastic Iceland Snowkiting Trip 2005 - A Trip Report
This is the full version of the article published in the Feb/Mar (issue 16) issue of Power Kite Magazine.
The Kite-Fantastic Power Kite Guide
How to get into this high octane sport. A detailed guide started right with the fundamentals, leading on to more and more advanced techniques.
by Various kiters
Elphinston's Road Trip 2005
A humerous account of Elphinston's lone European kiting road trip. Complete with some excellent photographs of some amazing landbound kitesurfing venues that just HAVE to be checked out!!!
Elphinston, August 2005
Flysurfer Extacy Review
An incredibly 'in-depth' review of the Flysurfer Extacy
by Malink Magombo (Bushflyer) 2004
Customising an ATB
Detailed instruction by photo example of how to strip down and do up your tired old landboard.
by BAS231187 2004
Impressions of a Leading Edge Inflatable (LEI)
A foil flyers impressions of an LEI after buying and flying a second hand Takoon Skoop.
by Jeff Snoxell 2005
A review of "The Complete Kiteboarding Guide" DVD
One of the best instructional DVDs for kiteboarding available is reviewed here.
by Jeff Snoxell 2005
Flysurfer/Peter Lynn Performance Comparison
One flyers personal take on the performance of Flysurfer and Peter Lynn kites.
by Rabidric, July 2004
A Rough Guide to Pressure Charts
How to make sense of weather 'pressure' charts. A useful guide.
by mx5alan, June 2005
Kitemares - When It All Goes Pete Tong
An account of a VERY bad day at Redcar for one unlucky kiter.
By Bushflyer, June 2005
My First Peter Lynn Arc
Just got one? Arc, Guerilla, Guerilla II, Bomba, Phantom or Venom, here's some useful tips...
By Kitefan, July 2005
Please feel free to submit an article of your own to [email protected] - we prefer articles to be in HTML format, accompanied by all the images required, in web ready format. Simply ZIP the lot up, and email it to us. If it's too large to email then post it to us on a cd-rom.